About the Corporation



Tactical Missiles Corporation joint stock company (JSC) was established in accordance with Federal Target Program such as "Restructuring and development of Defense Industry Complex" (2002-2006 years) and Presidential Decree № 84 dated 24 January 2002.

The Corporation as an integrated structure was formed on the basis of a reorganized federal state unitary enterprise "State research and production centre "Zvezda-Strela" (Korolev) in JSC "Tactical Missiles Corporation". During such reorganization process the Corporation received shares from enterprises included in Defense Industry Complex. Establishment registration of the Corporation was finished in March 2003.

Strategic targets which led to the Corporation establishment consisted in keeping and developing of missilery's research and production capacity, supplying national defense capability, resource mobilization needed for highly effective guided missiles and air-based, ground-based, sea-based weapon systems production, also in strengthening military positions of Russia in world armament market.

Presidential Decrees № 591 dated 9 May 2004 and № 930 dated 20 July 2007 greatly enlarged the Corporation and now it includes the following enterprises:

- "State Machine Building Design Bureau "Vympel" by name I.I. Toropov" company (Moscow);

- "Raduga State Machine-Building Design Bureau" company (Dubna, Moscow region);

- "Region" State Research & Production Enterprise" company (Moscow);

- "Azovski Optiko-Mechanichesky Zavod" company (Azov, Rostov region);

- "Gorizont" company (Moscow);

- "Ural Design Bureau "Detal" company (Kamensk-Uralsky, Sverdlovsk region);

- "Machine-building design bureau "Iskra" in the name of I.I. Kartukova" company (Moscow);

- "Krasny Gidropress" company (Taganrog, Rostov region);

- "Machine building Design Bureau" company (Moscow);

- "Smolensk aircraft plant" company (Smolensk);

- "Salyut" company (Samara);

- "Turaevo Machine-Building Design Bureau "Soyuz" company (Lytkarino city, Moscow region);

-  NITs ASK company (Moscow);

-  ANPP "TEMP AVIA" company (Arzamas);

- "State R&D machine building enterprise" company (Dzerdzhinsk city, Moscow region);

- RKB "Globus" company (Ryazan);

- TsKB "Automatiki" company (Omsk);

- "Trading House "Zvezda-Strela" company (Korolev city, Moscow region).



Airborne weapons

The head enterprise of the Corporation manufacture high speed airborne guided missiles such as Kh-31 in the form of anti-radar Kh-31P (Kh-31PK) missile and anti-ship Kh-31A missile; Kh-35E anti-ship guided missile unified under different launch platforms (ship, coast, air).

GosMKB "Vympel" named after I.I.Toropov manufactures air guided missiles of air-to-air type, comprising R-73E(R-73EL) small-range guided missile for a close-in dogfight; RVV-AE, R-27R1 (R-27ER1), R-27T1 (R-27ET1), R-27P(R-27EP) medium range guided missiles; R-33E long-range guided missile. Besides, the enterprise manufactures guided missiles of air-to-surface type and guided missiles for terrestrial and marine air-defense systems and imitating them target missiles.

Together with guided missiles,  GosMKB "Vympel" manufactures passive jamming sets for aircrafts and UV-30MK helicopters and special support equipment, such as rail and ejection launchers, beam and cluster holders, manufactured for suspension, transportation and forced release almost of all types of air-bombs, blocks and nacelles for small arms and projectiles,  lifting devices with lock.

GosMKB "Raduga" named after A.V.Bereznyak manufactures guided missiles of air-to-surface type among which the most popular are:

"Ovod-ME" missile system with guided missile Kh-59ME; Kh-59MK long-range flight guided missile and also Kh-58E air-anti-radar guided missile.

GNPP "Region" manufactures smart air bombs and guided air bombs with different guidance systems.


Samples and weapon systems for Navy Fleet

Russian naval ships as well as foreign ships nowadays use the following missile systems:  
- "Moskit-E" anti-ship attack and defensive missile systems with high speed anti-ship guided missiles 3M-80E ("Raduga");
- "Uran-E" shipborne missile system with 3M-24E anti-ship missiles (the head enterprise)
- "Bal-E" mobile coastal missile system with anti-ship 3М-24E missiles (Machine-Building Design Bureau). Machine-Building Design Bureau also specialize in development of torpedoes for ships and decoy dispensing systems.
     Research & Production Enterprise "Region" JSC manufacturers:
- "Shkval-E" which is high-speed underwater missile system intended for destruction of surface targets; 
- "Paket-E/NK" small-sized anti-ship system which has two launching charges. One charge able to hit enemy submarine, the other one - hit and destroy enemy torpedo;
- "APR-3E" air-launched antisubmarine guided missile ("Orel-М");
- anti-ship smart air-bomb  "Zagon-1" and etc.

The base of product engineering services covers all product life cycle, starting from design drafting, prototype production, carrying out all types of testing, serial production, repair and coming up to products upgrading; meantime, when product working life over it goes through recycling process services.

The corporation has the certificate of right to perform foreign trade operations with military-purpose products concerning training of personnel, maintenance and repair of samples previously delivered, as well as delivery of spare parts, training and warlike stores.

Energetic efforts are put in redesign of basic product line. For the moment the following below products are on their final stage of development:
-  airborne modular tactical guided missiles in the style of Kh-38ME;
-  Kh-59MK2 airborne guided missile;
-  Kh-58UShK anti-radiation missile;
-  KAB-1500LG-F-E corrected air bomb;
-  "Moskit-MBE" anti-ship missile weapon system equipped with anti-ship missile 3M-80MBE.

Airborne modular tactical guided missiles in the style of Kh-38ME is designed to engage armored, hardened, easy of approach single or group ground target, as well as surface targets in the shoreline.

Anti-radar missile Kh-58UShKE with all wave passive radar homing head and an autonomous control system is designed to destroy ground-based radars which produce pulsing and continuous waves.

Airborne guided missile Kh-59MK2 is designed to destroy unmoved ground targets with well-known coordinates of location without radar, infrared and optical contrast towards nearby surroundings. The missile realizes "launch and forget" principle of work due to autonomous identification of the nearby terrain.

KAB-1500LG-F-E is designed to destroy stationary ground and sea surface pinpoint targets such as concrete shelters, railway and road bridges, military units, ammunition depots, railway terminals, warships and transport vessels.

Anti-ship missile system "Moskit-MBE" has enhanced range of fire. High supersonic speed (up to 2900 km/h) with maximally low flight level (Н=10-20 м) at a terminal flight  phase and evasive maneuver guarantee high efficiency of the system in case of anti-missile attacks from the side of adversaries.


Non-Military Products

Alongside with military products, the enterprises included in the Corporation produce a great variety of civil and dual-use products:

- power plants for emergency rescue systems of the rocket and space complex' crew team, soft landing engines for manned spaceships, solid-fuel gas generators for space and aviation equipment and also mobile fire extinguishing installations (MKB "Iskra"). Low-thrust rockets and power plants for space flying vehicles (TMKB "Soyuz");

- training aircraft, light multi-purpose aircraft and unmanned aircraft ("Smolensk Aircraft Plant"). Night lighting facilities and night vision goggles for the helicopters' crew ("Azov Optomechanical Plant"). Airdrome, ground equipment and accessories ("Gorizont");

-  elements of hydro-vacuum waste disposal system for Tu-204/214 aircrafts and their modifications (the core enterprise);

- gas safety automation facilities, equipment for nuclear power stations ("Krasny Gidropress"). Household gas heating equipment (Trading House "Zvezda-Strela");

- wind energy installations of broad power range which work autonomously or in a system and also able to work in combination with diesel-power, gas turbine or solar power generators ("GosMKB"Raduga");

- medical devices, electrical and electronic systems, special equipment for fuel and energy industry, automated water purification systems, TV satellite broadcasting transmitters-receivers (TsKB "Automatiki");

- communication and test facilities for railway transport and machine-building industry (UPKB "Detal"), etc.

It should be noted, that the Corporation's enterprises have been mastering high technology products for civil use.


Development strategy till 2017

In 2007 the program "Development strategy of the Corporation till 2017" came into force, with main goals such as:
- Carring out realistic product policy, which exclude possible fall of the Corporation's positions at the market, but ensures its further widening in case of unconditional implementation of the State armament program and the State defense order

- Engineering and technological rearmament of the affiliated enterprises of the Corporation, decrease of process costs, reduction of tactical military weapons creation action cycle meanwhile upgrading their combat effectiveness and safety;

- Making improvements in the system and controlling mechanism of the Corporation altogether, as well as in separate fields of its activity.- Realization of effective social and personnel policy.

The Corporation clings to the line on keeping and strengthening its status as socially oriented economical structure.
In February 2008 the Corporation was acknowledged as the winner of the 7th annual competition by RF government and was awarded  "The Company of high social effectiveness 2007 in an aviation industry" title.


Boris Viktorovich Obnosov is the Director General of Tactical Missiles Corporation JSC.