About the Company


The social policy of “SOYUZ” Design Bureau provides it with highly –qualified specialists, decreases the employee turnover and is the base of successful enterprise’s operation. 

There are several key concepts of social policy conducted by Turaevo Machine-building Design Bureau “SOYUZ”:

- undergraduate training and job placement of graduated students;

- active sport and cultural work (sport events in different sports, sport department, theatre-going, etc. );

- employees’ health protection, first aid treatment, organization of medical examinations;

- health resort treatment and health improvement of employees and their children;

- voluntary and compulsory health and casualty insurances;

- social support of employees with different kinds of financial assistance and  amends;

- social support of retirees;

- granting  payable vacation;

- salary payment twice a month.

Design Bureau’s management invests heavily in social programs, therefore ensuring employees high work capacities and enhancing of professional competence. Currently, the Design Bureau “SOYUZ” takes a line which implies that the average salary in the company wouldn’t be lower than that set by regional authorities. The company’s management uses different additional payments in order to preserve key personnel and highly qualified specialists with regard to their relevance. Steps are taken to enhance social packages weight as well.

It’s the enterprise’s highest priority to support the health of those employees who work in hazardous conditions. That’s why all those in need are provided with subsidized sanatoria and holiday-homes vouchers.